New years always bring us opportunities to be better and improve oneself, that’s why making resolutions is a must to most people. Personally, I don’t make resolutions for the new year but make goals any time of the year and work on it until they are achieved. Whether you create goals for the new year or halfway thru, the important thing is to make it happen. Here are some tips to do so:
1. Determine personal priorities.
Get a clear vision of what you want to happen. The key is to identify what you consider “successful” in your own terms. This may definitely vary from person to person so make sure not to compare your goals with others. It may be acquiring new 1,000 happy customers on the 2nd quarter, starting to see ROI on the new venture before the year ends or carving additional hour of play time with the kids.
2. Be specific on the action plan.
Identify how you can reach your goals. Be very specific with the steps you have to take and make it simple to understand and remember. Is it boosting your social media campaign or doing telemarketing to increase sales? Or would you need to wake up 30 minutes earlier than usual to have some time for yoga?
3. Outwit your lazy side.
There are days when your “sheltered” self may feel threatened every time you do something unusual or not part of the old you. Yup, that may be the day when you’d like to skip on eating your greens or check Instagram for hours. The key is to acknowledge these situations and revisit your goals. Remind yourself why this is important for you. A visual board on your wallpaper or even a Pinterest board in your mobile may help you get the nudge that you need to get back on track.
4. Share them with a friend (or two).
Telling a soul about your goals is the first step to making it happen. The act of telling makes the thought roll out and be on its way to be real. When you share with someone what you’d like to achieve, you also become responsible in making it happen and unconsciously push yourself to do so.
5. Allow yourself to adjust your goals anytime.
As you swing your way to the new year, you might discover that you need to adjust or even change your intentions or steps. Well, feel free to do so.
Do you think investing your money in stocks is better than putting it in another business? Do you enjoy cycling more than pilates? Don’t be afraid to adjust, pivot or start over. It is only you who can tell which one will work and make your goals come true.